Data Ethics Workshop - Predict 2015
Free / Included for Registered Attendees
Hosted by the Insight Centre.
Towards a Magna Carta for Data: Social and Ethical Challenges and Opportunities for Big Data.
The Insight Ireland Centre for Data Analytics is one of the largest data research institutes in Europe, with over 350 researchers and 40 commercial partners working in a broad range of data areas including connected health, decisions analytics, linked data and recommender systems. Insight Ireland is ideally positioned to integrate data ethics into research, practice and commercial projects.
However, data ethics is a very young field. If we are to keep the citizen at the heart of data research while promoting progress is data science, we need agreed definitions, parameters and values.
Insight Ireland has taken the lead in this space and, last February in Brussels, launched an EU-level discussion paper entitled 'Towards a Magna Carta for Data'. This is a dynamic document, intended to push the data protection conversation beyond narrow concerns of privacy and protection.
The Insight Ireland Workshop at Predict 2015 is the next step in the Magna Carta for Data Project. Insight will bring together stakeholders from data science, social science, business and civil society to explore definitions of ethical practice in the Big Data age, drawing in themes of citizen empowerment, research and the public good, social exclusion and definitions of ownership.
Date: Thursday the 17th September 2015
Time: 9:00am to 1:00pm
Location: RDS, Dublin (Room TBA)
Fee: Included in Predict Conference registration
Workshop Outline:
9.30am Address by Barry O'Sullivan, director, Insight Centre for Data Analytics: "Towards a Magna Carta for Data"
9.45am Introduction to the panel, by Kalpana Shankar, School of Information and Communication Studies in UCD
9.50am - 11.00am Towards a Magna Carta for Data. The following speakers will cover a range of data ethics issues from their disciplinary perspectives, all addressing the the following common theme. Is a broad charter or 'Magna Carta' for Data Ethics desirable and/or achievable? If so, what shape would it take and what areas should be covered?
Confirmed Speakers (more TBA):
Rob Kitchin, School of Geography, NUIM
Simon Foley - Insight, UCC (data security expert)
Vivien Rooney . UCC applied psychologist and specialist in consent
Pauline Whalley SC . barrister, senior counsel
Dr Heike Felzmann, Lecturer in ethics, NUI Galway
11am Q&A
11.15am: Coffee break
11.45: Breakout Sessions: Groups will be allotted a data ethics theme to discuss for up to an hour. They will be tasked to report back to the group with a set of recommendations for inclusions the Magna Carta around their theme. We will also ask them to consider further actions/consultations/research priorities. We will gather information about attendees ahead of the event and try to group people according to their areas of expertise and interest
12.45 Breakout groups report on their recommendations
1.15 Wrap up by Kalpana Shankar: Next Steps
Workshop Director: Professor Barry O'Sullivan
Professor Barry O'Sullivan is Director of Insight@UCC, where he leads the research group on optimisation and decision analytics and holds the Chair of Constraint Programming.
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